Lesson Plan of measurement


GRADE            :    VII (SEVEN)
TIME ALLOCATION    :    3 X 40’

Standard Competence
To understand scientific procedure to study nature objects using the tools

Basic Competence :
1.    To distinguish fundamental quantities and derived quantities and also their units.

Indicators :
1.    Identification physical quantities in daily life
2.    collected physical quantities in the fundamental quantities and derived quantities
3.    Write out the five basic physical quantities and their units.
4.    Differentiate basic and derived physical quantities
5.    Derived  their units of derived physical quantities

Sources, Materials and Apparatus :
1.    Student’s Book
2.    Student’s Worksheet
3.    Some examples of products which are labeled to state their physical quantities.

Instructional Process
1. Model    :   
  • Discussion
  • Cooperative learning
  • Direct Instruction
  • Task Assignment
2. Approach     :    Contextual Teaching and Learning

  1. Show examples of products in daily life which are labeled to state their physical quantities.
  2. Motivate students by asking to students which one physical quantity
  3. Ask the students to benefit some physical quantities which are labeled on the products in daily life.
  4. State indicators of the objectives of learning.
Main Activity
  1. Let Students read Student’s Book about Physical Quantities and Their Units.
  2. Discuss and explain all the matters in Chapters 2 about physical quantities and their units.
  3. Ask the students in groups of four or five students to try make a list of physical quantities which are used in daily life.
  4. Make a list to classify them into basic quantities.
  5. Give examples in solving some problems
  1. Guide the students in summarizing the topics that have been studied, according to the objective of lesson plan

  1. Individual Assignment

  1. Homework

Example of Assessment:
  1. Looking for some products in your home to mention some physical quantities which is   the products labeled.
  2. Make a list of physical quantities which are used
  3. Make a list to classify them into fundamental quantities.
  4. Explain the meaning of fundamental quantities.
  5. Looking for some products in your home to mention some physical quantities which are  on the products labeled
  6. Make a list of physical quantities which are used
  7. Make a list to classify them into derived quantities.
  8. Explain different between derived quantities and fundamental quantities

Marking Scheme
Maximum score : 5
Final scoring formula :     
